The Running Duck Farm Table of  Contents with Quick Links to Updates

On the farm  (last updated on)
Akbash Dog (1/19/04)
       with the cat (1/19/04)
       with ducks (1/7/04)
       warning off fox (3/7/04)
    photos at play and rest (1/19/04)
   guards the gate (4/22/04)

 Cat (1/3/04)
    with Akbash dog (1/19/04)

Guineas (1/16/04)
    alarm (delivery person) (1/14/04)
    alarm (fox) (3/7/04)
    keets just hatched (1/16/04)

    rite of spring I (5/2/04)

Horse  (6/4/04)

    with goat (1/7/04)
    with sheep (1/19/04)
    sleeping in pasture (6/4/04)


Indian Runner Ducks (1/7/04)
    photos (1/14/04)
   mail order ducklings (5/1/04)


Pygmy Goat (1/7/04)


Sebastopol and Pilgrim Geese (12/11/03)
    portraits (1/14/04)
    at the pool (1/14/04)

Sheep (1/19/04)

    new born lambs (1/19/04)
    lambs photos (1/19/04)

Spitzhauben Chickens (1/26/04)
    first egg (1/8/04)
        nest preference (1/11/04)

    in yard (1/11/04)
    on porch (1/8/04)
    roosting in trees (1/19/04)
    roosting on the porch (1/26/04)

    inquisitive   (1/10/04)
    rite of spring II (5/2/04)

In the Neighborhood (last updated on)
Boothill Farm  (4/16/05)
Witherspoon Rose Culture (10/24/04)

Reba and Roses (2/10/04)
UNC (1/23/04)
And Beyond  (last updated on)
Cooperstown, New York (9/13/04)
Cooperstown Central High School Class of 1961 (2/7/04)
